I have just remembered that recently I hit my 20th year in the MINI community. 20 years. Jesus, that’s a long time. While I haven’t had nearly as many MINIs as most of you have (on my fourth), that’s still quite a few cars to own over the span of that many years.

Started a club. Started a podcast. Worked on MotoringFile. Got to do some cool shit.

And, at the end of November, that all comes to an end when I put the F56 up for sale.

I already wrote about this over at donburnside.com. I’m just making it official here. And by official I mean to let you know that I have posted the F56 for sale. If you are interested, hit me up and mention that you read about it here! When, and if, the time comes, for us to be a dual car household again, I seriously doubt that second car with be a MINI. More on that later. At least before…

dbmini.us expires. It has been 20 years. I rarely post here and the archives and really janky and that content is less that ever green unless you happen to be driving a very high mileage R50 or need a hackish way to fix a convertible top. We have had some fun tho, haven’t we?

This will also mark the end of dbmini.us. Well, the end of new content. The domain is set to expire next July and this time, I’m going to let it go. Like I said, 20 years is a good run. And besides, I rarely post, even when I do, it rarely gets read or commented on. The value, for me (and probably for you) is gone.

Not only that, but it is really time for me to stop promoting MINI for free. I’ve been doing this for a very, very, very long time. The last time I benefitted from free promotion for MINI was 2014 for MTTS. Since then, they have ignored any attempts to contact them unless I’m riding on the MotoringFile coattails. That’s a lot of work for zero return.

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