dbmini.us stats

Wow! Just finished off 2 of the busiest (traffic-wise) months here at dbmini.us…

July…1016 unique visitors, 3133 visits

For August:

–232 of you looked at the gallery main page, mostly going for the SOWS pics, followed by the AutoX pics
–Some of you are still going to the boat tracking page. Does that process still work? I’ve read otherwise
–Motoringfile, GoMotoring and Rocketboy were the best referrers at 104+, 65+ and 11.
–Search Referrals…24 for mini limo, 15 for dbmini (awww) and 11 for mini cooper blogs (google has me 5th from the top :D)

Anyway, I appreciate y’all coming by and having a peak. Anything else I can do for you, just let me know