Not Again

Did you see this? In case you didn’t.

I’m not even sure what to say here, folks, to be honest with you. Last night Gabe and I pulled more than 25 comments from the MINI Super Bowl commercial post before just closing comments all together. I’ve seen some sniping and name calling on MotoringFile before (and been on the receiving end of it), but I’ve never seen anything quite like what I read through last night. So, I have a few things to say this morning.

First, an apology for not moderating that thread more closely. It got out of hand and Gabe and I didn’t have our eye on it until it got so bad that people were actually writing in on the Contact page. You would think that on a site full of MINI fans, we wouldn’t have to moderate every single comment moment by moment, but it looks like sometimes that’s the case. Either way, I pulled more nasty comments last night on this one post than the whole time I’ve been Editor here at MotoringFile and I really wish I would have gotten to them sooner.

Having not read any comment at MotoringFile for quite a while because of this exact reason, I thought I would take a quick cruise through the post in question. Oh boy.

I love my MINI. I love going to events like AMVIV, MTTS, MINI United (and one day MOTD) and the cool things that Todd and I get to do for the show. The number one reason I like to do this stuff is so I can visit with you in person and spend a day or 10 talking about this brilliant little automobile that we all love so much.

I started working on Motoringfile in 2005. I was extremely honored that Gabe even asked me to contribute more than just cross-posting White Roof Radio episodes. I’ve posted almost 800 articles in fact. I started by only posting the show, moved into the editor slot and stopped shortly after MINI United 2009. For the longest time I wasn’t even posting the show. Do you know why?

The comments.

But we have talked about that already.

UPDATE: I just read the deleted comments. You should be embarrassed.

Take a minute. Go over and read Nathaniels post. Read it twice. Like it on Facebook. Then, keep that in mind next time you are ready to click the SUBMIT button on a comment (or message board for that matter). Re-read your comment. When you are sure you are only being a dick, and not a hurtful pile of shit, click submit. If, however, you are being a hurtful pile of shit, edit the comment. Tone it down a little. Slow your roll just a tad, maybe take a walk around the office. Grad a coffee. Have some froyo.

I look forward to the day that I can read the comments at Motoringfile. It’s entirely up to you.

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  1. Didn’t see any of the thread but if it requires closing down comments then “we are better than this” is clearly not true!
    Is there some brain switch that gets hit when posting online so that people no longer think – or would they be just as abusive in conversation at a pub?
    We have to de-friend some FaceBookers, I guess you have to block some MF commanders too.

    1. I meet these fellows in real life and they are always pleasant (after saying they are the one I want to punch upon meeting them!). I just don’t understand how the internet comment box transforms normal folks into such mean and nasty people.

  2. Odd you would be so abusive to the hateful commenters on MF here on you blog? Seems most here are respectful though I may be the rudest…;-) But I guess you were letting off some steam.

    I actually think it’s gotten a lot more gentlemanly over at MF.

    I myself have been a nasty commenter at MF and other places but have mended my commenting to a more respectful way of saying “You’re and Idiot!”, well at least I think I’m better now.

    I find it odd that Gabe or Nathaniel would suspend the comment section??? What’s the point? Just remove the offending comments or block those who are beyond repair and get on with it.

    I do think Nathaniel brings a bit of edgy-ness to MF, in a good way, and find his rebuttals a bit more lively that the ever ambassadorial comments by Gabe.

    As to Ian’s comments… It’s the cloak of anonymity that most seem to find so inviting to spew. I was reading an article at USAToday when the shootings happened in Arizona and was appalled by some of the commenters lack of judgement or taste.

  3. Thanks for stopping by Rob!

    Odd you would be so abusive to the hateful commenters on MF here on you blog? Seems most here are respectful though I may be the rudest…;-) But I guess you were letting off some steam.

    I think abusive is a pretty strong word, but for lack of anything better, you’re damn straight. Comments on MF have been bad to poor for years now and it’s funny how a post like Nathaniel’s is actually needed every so often. Not really funny, more like embarrassing. People read those and judge MF and the community based on those comments and makes the rest of us look bad IMO.

    I haven’t noticed the quality of comments since I long ago stopped reading them as I stated above. Based on this latest outburst, I would have to disagree with you. Also, based on what you are saying, perhaps I will start skimming through the comments again.

    I agree on Nathaniel. His writing style is unique and has added a nice edge to MF.

  4. I was happy to see the comment edited on that post. I strongly believe in debate being good for the brand. While its true that a lot of my commentary is harsh about the brand, I go out of my way to try to make sure people understand my views I don’t consider any more or less correct than anybody else. Just kills me to see people attacking each other. While I think discourse is very important for a thriving discussion hatred for somebody else because of their opinion is part of the species we could live without.

    1. Well said Jon and I agree with you completely. It’s also the tone of Nathaniel note. Hopefully everyone will take it to heart.

  5. @DB… “People read those and judge MF and the community based on those comments and makes the rest of us look bad IMO.” I see your point.

    I do really think it has gotten better at MF. I can remember back some 3-4 years ago it was really nasty especially when design issues came up and I was one of the worst, sadly. But having had my own blog, the now defunct TwistyBlitz, I saw the error of my ways, though I still get hot about some issues.

    My comments about abusive were more along the lines of a bit of a nudge to say… “There ya go being mean to us with your potty mouth”…;-)

    See you at AMVIV? I will be selling at AMVIV, Dragon, MITM and maybe MINI United.

    DB, I think you need to smack the boys over at AUTOBLOG around as I have been doing as they can’t get Mini / MINI correct!

  6. The comments at MF are just a big turn off for me. It might be that I just don’t have time to waste on that kind of kid stuff like I used to. If Nathaniel had not posted a specific post on the matter, I would have never known. It’s much easier to read through 10 comments, like here on your blog db, than 80 over at MF.

    I agree on the fresh perspective Nathaniel brings too.

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