Last weekend I posted about my day with the Motoringfile Countryman at MotoringFile. Since I’m sure it’s moved to page 2 by now, I wanted to share with you here. On October 21, 2011, I finally got the chance to drive the what is possibily the most argued about MINI ever created; The MINI Countryman. …
Tag Archives: mini countryman
Doing our Part
You remember when I said this back in March. Instead of placing blame, I’m instead going to choose to help educate where I can like a proper fan boy should. I will continue to let all y’all know that it’s time to check your oil. Help spread the word that the MINI is safe and …
Cars and Coffee
One of the things that I really like about Arizona is that there is always something going on. Every Friday in the Phoenix area there are at least 4 different meetups at random pubs throughout the valley. Almost every weekend there is some kind of ‘festival’ happening too. And, every First Sunday is Cars and …
LA Bootgate Party
Come on, don’t lie. Who’s going? If you are one that still hasn’t seen the Countryman but are curious, this is a great opportunity to check out the latest MINI. I believe the location is directly across the street from the LA Convention Center, so it’s easy to get too. Sound off below if you …
Would you buy this MINI?
Pictured above is a pre-production R60 Cooper, otherwise known as the Countryman Cooper. Cooper as in normally aspirated. Normally aspirated as in no turbo charger under the bonnet. Would you buy it? I wouldn’t. The problem with the Countryman Cooper is that it is just too slow. I’m not saying this from an enthusiasts point …