New feature at dbmini!

I guess that before I try to start a feature that requires you to leave a comment, I should make sure that comments are working first! DOH! I’ll get them fixed and try again with the help me when they are.

In one of my forays out into the world of MINI blogs and I came across this post over on UKPylot’s MINI blog.

I was parked at the airport last night, waiting to go up with a friend when a silver MINI pulled up alongside me and motioned for me to chat. The driver wanted to ask me a question: with the auto a/c package is there any way to vent the outside air into the vehicle.

The answer was in the comments! This got me thinking…

I’m going to open up dbmini comments for all of the stupid questions! Well, ok, bad choice of words, but I think you know what I mean. Not how-to’s or anything like that (you can find those here, here plus all of the boards) but the little quirky things that you have to really read the manual for. Like the AutoAC Trick. Might be in the manual, might not be, but I don’t remember seeing it.

So, lets get started! Post those questions in the comments below. Depending on how many we get, we can do an answer session on Wednesday or Thurdsay. Try to refrain from answering any questions this time around gang! Organization really helps!