Black Roof Radio #305

Here is a short bit that I pulled out of the upcoming Woofcast 305. We all go on a bit of rant concerning dealer service. I didn’t think it was terribly appropriate for the show, so I’m hiding it over here instead.

Woofcast 305 goes up Monday at 6:00a PST. Watch for it!

WARNING This was only edited for length, not content. There is an F bomb or two in here.


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  1. amen, brothers. the whole service system at BMW/MINI is ridiculous. strange, i never received a request to rank my service when they 1) put my tires on the wrong way round. or 2) over tightened my oil drain plug and i had to take it to my friend’s shop and use VICE-effing-GRIPS to get it free while on a lift!

    i won’t take my MINI to the dealer unless the service is covered under warranty and it won’t cost me a dime. i’ll be going there to have the O2 sensor replacement done as per the service bulletin, at no cost.

    it really is a shame because i like my service reps and sales folks. it’s just that the technicians are hit or miss and the prices are way stupid for the value of the work done.

  2. Ug. I don’t like reading stories like Brad’s.

    I just bought a MINI, and have had work done just twice at two different dealerships in two different states. The first experience exceeded my expectations, the second resulted in my driver’s door being scratched and chipped.

    I’m holding off final judgement until after I see if there’s anything the dealer will do about the damage, but I’m not terribly impressed at this point, and am reluctant to go back. After all, the idea is to get the MINI back in better shape than when it went in.

    Finally, we’re getting another MINI dealer in my area (actually closer to me) in the next few months. This can only raise the level of service, one would think, having two dealers MINI owners can choose from.

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