Earlier this week, Jack Belcher passed away. He was a long time member of SCMM, raced his MINI at Bonneville and was a great guy. I consider myself extremely lucky to have had the chance to know him. The following is a reprint from the upcoming SCMM newsletter, written by George Marsh. Photos at the …
Category Archives: SCMM
SCMM at Santa Anita
As I said early this week, I did attend a MINI Event with the club. This time it was for our 5th (!) anniversary. That’s right, more than 5 years ago SoCal MINI Maniacs was started and we have been celebrating that fact for the last 4 years at Santa Anita Race Track. As in …
Gas Prices
Yea yea yea, blah blah blah. So, anyway, I go out to an SCMM meet today. No intentions of running it, just hang out with some of the people that I haven’t seen in a few months. I would have run it, but that means I would have to spend close to $150 on gas …
catching up
Been a busy week and change. Lesse… Last weekend the lad and I headed out to race go-carts with SCMM at Go Cart World… Photo courtesy Phil Suptin That is in fact, yours truly, scootin’ around the track at about 40MPH. Yea, they were pretty fast carts! They run the races in teams of 2 …
Indio Tamale Festival
FINALLY got to attend an SCMM event! This one right in my backyard too! The destination? The Indio Tamale Festival. The Route? There were two meetup points for this run. One for those that came from San Diego or the IE. The other was for those coming from LA and points north. That group got …